
The Truth Machine

Professor Verity loves truth and hates lies. He made the Truth Machine. Soon, millions of people know this invention. A lot of people send him letters and then, he chooses Mrs Seeker, Inspector Sack and Dr Simple for his first clients.
Mrs. Seeker has a husband but he loves another woman. Mrs. Seeker wants to know who he loves and uses the Truth Machine. Then she gets to know that her husband loves her best friend. It is very shock to her.
Inspector Sack came to the laboratory with his boss and some criminals. He uses the Truth Machine and all criminals tell the truth. Inspector Sack can judge them very easily and there are no more work for him. Then, he loses his job.
Dr Simple came with a spy. Dr Simple wants him to tell the truth. However, the spy says"I always tel lies and that is the truth." These words confuse Dr Simple. He can't understand what is truth.
All clients get angry and tell Professor Verity to get their money back. Professor Verity refuse this. Then, clients use the Truth Machine and make Professor Verity tell the truth. Professor Verity says he wants success and money and power. He doesn't love truth at all. Inspector Sack takes out his gun and shots Professor Verity and Dr. Simple destroys the Truth Machine.

I don't think telling the lie is always bad or wrong thing. Sometime the truth hurts people and the lie help people. It depends on the situation. I don't always tell the truth of course, and I think it's not a problem.

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